So, in this post, I'll be talking about the AFS interview.
For those of you out there applying for AFS this year, yes, I know some of you are extremely nervous. And many will, I think, go online to search for every information about AFS interview they could get on the net. I know cause I did that too. And for those already preparing for the interview, I bet you googled like hundred or thousand times about the questions they'll be asking you in the interview...
Well, you wouldn't really get that, the questions they ask I mean. Because they don't really have specific questions they'll ask you about. AFS is all about 'expect the unexpected'. They'll randomly ask you questions about yourself, maybe, or your opinion on something... You just have to think carefully before answering. Do NOT blurt out stupid things! Think before you actually speak. This will show that you're matured enough to care about the information you're giving to others. And it'll also help you to give a rational answer to the question they ask. But the most important thing is to be yourself! And have FUN!
Alright, so back to the story of my interview day, my twin sister, Maria and me drove to this school where they were having the interview and I think we came quite early as they were not many people there yet. By the time all the students were there, they were already sitting in groups mainly friends from their own school. And Maria and I just sat silently in one corner looking at all the students because we were the only students from our school. Well, I could have just walk over to them and greet them or something, but I was a little bit shy, so yeah I've learned to overcome that a lil' bit, so let us not dwell in the past! But if you ever got into this situation, do not act the way I did. Just go and mingle with people. You'll feel much funner than sitting alone in one corner. Forever ALONE!
So, before the interview started, we had an ice breaking session, we played a few games, got to know each other. It was really exciting! I met this girl who is really in love with History subject (I was like, what? Are you kidding me???) and also Twilight. I called her Twilight Girl. Haha! I also met a few fellow Harry Potter fans and some kids from the school nearby mine. Some of them are really hyper and some were kind of the quiet type. But the group I was put in was really hyper. They kept on talking and I kept on listening, throwing in questions here and there sometime. And after that... Jeng Je Jeng! The interviewers were ready and one by one, the students were called in for their individual interviews. So while some students were being interviewed, the rest played this game called... Erm... Sorry, I just can't remember the name of it but it goes like this:
1. Audience, Player, A piece of paper.
2. The player will have a piece of paper with something written on it stuck on his or her forehead. The player must not know the written word(s) on the paper at the beginning of the game.
3. The player will sit in front of the audience. By now, the audience will know what's written on that paper.
4. The player will have to guess what the paper says. He can asks questions to the audience, but the audience can only reply with a YES or NO.
5. The player guesses the word(s) until he gets the right answer.
It was really fun. And I got Justin Bieber and it was just hilarious. Because the first thing I asked was if this 'thing' or 'person' is from Japan and the audience said NO. Then when I asked them if it's famous. They were like nodding their head and the Twilight Girl shouted 'And I love you so much!' Okay, so I thought of some celebrities. But then the most hilarious part came. I asked them if it's a girl or a guy and they were all saying 'Guy!' when suddenly this one male volunteer shouted from the far end of the room, 'No he's not a guy!!!' Haha I got it instantly. But hey, I don't hate JB. I like his songs too, you know... *singing* 'Under the' oh! Shut up, Mariani!
Anyway, finally my name was up and so I nervously walked to the interview area. I was clutching all my certificates tightly in my hand and when I entered the room, two interviewers called me and told me to sit down. And my nervousness immediately disappeared! You know why? Hehe turned out the female interviewer was someone I recognize from Facebook so I wasn't really nervous talking to her. Though the male interviewer made me a little bit nervous, overall I think I did quite okay...
And so the interview day ended quite well for me. I had fun, made a few new friends, learned some new games, yeah... It was a nice experience for me. So, if you're going for the interview, my advice for you would be:
1. Not to be extremely nervous. Being a lil' bit nervous is alright, but too nervous? Nah... Don't be that.
2. Make a lot of new friends! DON'T BE SHY!Just go and talk to as many people as you can. There's a fifty-fifty chance you might see them again if you got to go on the program, so why not befriend them now?
3. Have FUN! AFS is fun. Have fun, be fun, live fun!
Alright then, I'll update more soon. Chiao!
Peace No War XOXO MaRiAnI