Mariani Soy Yo

Friday, February 17, 2012

Le Finale Week In Malaysia!

So finally I got my flight itinerary and I'm flying next week!!! Precisely on Wednesday where I'll be flying from KLIA to Doha and then to Buenos Aires. And boy it will be a long long flight from Doha to Buenos Aires. I Googled it just now and apparently the duration for the flight from Doha to Buenos Aires is about 17 hours! Oh My God! The flight from Malaysia to Doha is only around 7 and a half hour, which is bearable but I don't really know what will I do during the tiring 17 hours flight to BA!!!

And now, in the final week I'll be in Malaysia, I am still doing pretty much nothing except trying to pack my luggage and trying to learn how to cook at least any one popular dish of Malaysia... which is a proven disaster since I am terribly terrible in cooking... Sigh... I should have learnt cooking earlier... And I haven't even bought any present for my host family...

So the list below are the things that I'll be bringing with me to Argentina...
1. Baju Kurung (it's the traditional costume for Malay women)
2. Baju Kebaya (another variation of the costume but way modern and in my opinion much prettier)
3. This red cheongsam me mum bought for me during the last CNY... (I'm bringing Malaysia to Argentina so it's just as well that I should bring the traditional costumes of the three main races of Malaysia, right?)
4. A punjabi dress (since sari is too complicated to wear)
5. Just T-shirts and some blouse
6. Jeans
7. Winter coat
8. Souvenirs
9. Books (mostly religious books since I won't be able to find people who can guide me bout this as easily as in Malaysia... and some novels that I stored in PDF format - save space!)
10. Pictures!
11. Sos CILI!!! (that's chili sauce for you English Speaker!)
12. A small Latin American Spanish phrase book... and a Point-It book (thanks to Marina Uelsmann and Nikola Blaschke for the thoughtful present!)
13. And my head full of stories of Malaysia!!!
Alright, that's about it...

I'll update more later...
Heal The World XOXO MaRiAnI


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